Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures


The red line marks the parent pick-up lane.  We will have two lanes of cars for pick-up.  Parents should have their student’s name visible on the dashboard of the vehicle to be announced.  Students will be expected to listen for their name and start walking towards the gate when they are called. An adult will be monitoring the gate and allowing students to cross to vehicles when it is safe. Parents should drive through the pick-up lane instead of parking. Students will not be allowed to cross the pick-up lines to the parking lot.

Bus Pick-Up:

The yellow line marks the bus line pick-up.  Students on the first wave of buses are expected to board their appropriate bus immediately after school. Students who are in the subsequent waves of buses should report to the bus holding area located between the 100 building (6th grade building) and central office.  Students are expected to listen for their bus numbers being called as they arrive.Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure